Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Introduction to the Blog

I’d like to introduce my blog by giving a quick description of its purpose. Transitioning members of the military to the civilian world has been a historical challenge that dates back to the beginning of civilization. The purpose of this blog is to discuss obstacles that prevent successful integration, current military programs and their varying levels of effectiveness, and jobs that fit well with military members. Overall the goal of the blog is to help military members assimilate into the civilian world and find jobs that provide the level of impact that they are accustomed to making.
I am going to talk a little bit about my background, which will be important to understanding my perspective on the information I provide. I separated from the Marine Corps as a Captain in 2007. I did two tours of duty in Iraq, one with the 31st MEU out of Japan (Fallujah 2004) and the 15th MEU out of Pendleton (Haditha area 2007). I then separated and moved up to the Seattle area, finding a job as a Process Engineer at Honeywell. I was not pleased with the level of impact that I was having, and I applied and entered Business School the next year. I am currently a full time first-year MBA candidate at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington, and I am set to graduate in 2010. I have been searching for an internship for the past few months, and I am still currently on the job hunt. In this regard, I am in the weeds and familiar with the “perceptions” that we face, and the economy’s impact on transition.
This blog is set up with an RSS feed, so I recommend, if you are using Internet Explorer, to just click the little orange box and subscribe to this blog. This way the information will be pushed straight to MS Outlook or other RSS reader.
If you or someone you knows has a specific question, please post it as a response, and I will get an answer for you as quickly as possible. Further, the more subscribers I get to the blog, the more content I can elicit from other experts in the area, so please let your friends know.

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